As the author of this fascinating biography, Marcus O'Dair, puts it when discussing Wyatt's choice of the Neil Diamond-penned, Monkees pop classic, "whether Robert anticipated it or not, a line about disappointment haunting his dreams had a very different resonance when delivered from a wheelchair".
ictus [ik-tuhs] 1. In prosody the stress, beat or rythmical accent of a poem 2. In medicine a seizure, a stroke or the beat of the pulse
Tuesday, 16 June 2015
I'm A Believer: Robert Wyatt
As the author of this fascinating biography, Marcus O'Dair, puts it when discussing Wyatt's choice of the Neil Diamond-penned, Monkees pop classic, "whether Robert anticipated it or not, a line about disappointment haunting his dreams had a very different resonance when delivered from a wheelchair".