Saturday, 14 April 2012

Day of Hope

  My review of The Collected Poems of Hope Mirrlees edited by Sandeep Parmar (Carcanet,2011) is up on Eyewear today (link in Blogroll to the right). Good to see this important and excellently-compiled edition gaining the exposure it deserves - important in particular for making available the 'lost Modernist masterpiece' Paris.
   By a strange coincidence there is also a very good review of the same book today in the Guardian by Patrick McGuiness, in fact making some similar points to my piece:


  1. Excellent review, Oliver. I've been carrying a tattered facsimile of the Hogarth Press edition of 'Paris' around with me for months... it'll be fascinating to read against the rest of Mirrlees' work.

  2. Thanks Christodoulos. Wherever did you get hold of a fascimile of the Hogarth 'Paris'? As I say, the other poems are nothing like on the level of 'Paris' - in a way, its uniqueness makes it even more of a marvel.

  3. There's a grainy PDF of the Hogarth edition online put up by a HM enthusiast (masquerading as a 'scholar' (copyright now out of print). But if you're talking the real thing Christodoulous, then v. scarce and name your price.


  4. Thanks James. As you probably saw, Michael Peverett commented on the Eyewear post with a link to what I presume is the same PDF. But let's hope people are now cottoning on to how momentous a book Sandeep's edition is and getting hold of it accordingly.

  5. Sadly not the real thing, James... And agree the Collected sounds essential, not least due to the notes and commentary.
